1. GF lasagna noodles
2. two Tbsp. Olive oil
3. Three garlic cloves
4. 2-3 tspn. Italian spices
( I use a mix that has rosemary, basil, oregano and some others)
5. salt and pepper ( I do the taste test to decide how much i like)
6. 1.5 Tbsp. Lemon juice
7. 6-8 ounces of Vegan cream cheese (I used tofutti brand)
8. Some vegan motz. flavored cheese
9. 16 oz. Firm tofu
The process:
It is actually very simple. Start with your noodles. Cook them until they are 2-5 minutes from being done and set aside. If you have never worked with rice pasta you should no they feel a little different than regular wheat flour noodles. However, to me, these particular noodles cooked the same. They are a little sticky at the end , so wet you fingers when handling. Next is the tofu ricotta. You need firm , drained tofu. For those who draining tofu isn't a normal part of there life what you need to do is put it between two plates and put something heavy on the top one. The pressure will squeeze out any extra liquid. I cut mine up in to long strips first and then you crumble.
Crumble it up small so it resembles ricotta in texture and look.I used my hands , but you could use a food processor. Just don't over process. The trick to tofu ricotta is the texture. If its to big or small it will taste off. No one wants funky lasagna! After that add the spices, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil in a bowl with your crumbled up tofu. Mix until tofu is coated. Do a taste test to see if you need more of anything. After you are satisfied you are going to add the cream cheese. You need to heat it up for 30-60 seconds , so it will mix nicely. Stir until evenly mixed. And guess what ricotta vegan style is done!
Now you can make your lasagna. I chose to make mini ones so I had to cut my noodles to fit my pan.
Now you can make your lasagna. I chose to make mini ones so I had to cut my noodles to fit my pan.
If you are not GF then you can add vegan meet. Another idea would be to add some veggies that you love. Put in the oven at 425 for 15 minutes, let cool and enjoy!
This was sooooo yummy I can't wait to eat more. I had some the next day and it was even better!
ooohh!! YUM!
its even hard to find just vegetarian lasagna sometimes so i bet you were STOKED!
The tofu ricotta is soooooo yummy you should try it !
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