Thursday, March 11, 2010

The best part of heart ache

The best part of heart ache is that with every painful beat your little heart makes as he drives away, or every tear you cry as you remember you wont go him tonight , or every morning you wake up without him is that i love him 7 billion times more than it hurts. And it hurts a lot.

The love of my life, Dallas Collier, came to visit me from texas for almost three weeks. It was THE best time ever. There were lots of snuggles, kisses, trips to the city, dates, and just all around LOVE.

He is the one for me and that knowledge will halp me readjust to him being away and help me get through the next few months until he comes home...for good! This summer he is moving here and we are both ready to start our lives together. I am talking coming home to eachother , no more of this leaving eachother for long periods bullshit and waking up to look at his handsome face everday.

It was also just my 21st birthday. I got to see my best friend two days in a row, shop, movies, sushi and my family. I love you all !!!And i get some more celebrating with out of town friends this weekend

Dallas you are the most amazing person I have ever met. Thank you for being in my life, making me a better person and never questioning who I am because you just get me. I have never felt so complete bug. I can't wait until you come home.

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