Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love notes: Dear Dal

Dear Dallas,
I have been back at school for a week now. And we both know I am a HUGE nerd so I am loving it. I have stuff to do, too much! However, being away from you is soooo horrible. One week, one day, one hour , one minute without you makes me feel like i am missing a part of me. I feel like I am walking around without an arm or something.
I love you so much. Thank you for the continuous support you give me, thank you for bringing me GF goodies tomorrow and thank you for reading me cheesy vampire love stories until I fall asleep each night.

You are the BEST.

Later today and this week I will post some GF blogs and a tour of my dorm. Stay tuned


Zelina Garza said...

that is so sweet. I heart!

Unknown said...

you are so freakin adorable!